Salomè's Dance

The project tells the story of Salome , Princess of Judea . The images are inspired by stories , plays, paintings and films , primarily to Oscar Wilde .Made optical bench.

"How good to see the moon! She is like a little piece of money, you would think she was a little silver flower. The moon is cold and chaste. I am sure she is a virgin, sha has a virgin's herself. She has never abandoned herself to men, like the other goddesses."
Salomè, Oscar Wilde

"The Princess has hidden her face behind her fan! Her little white hands are fluttering like doves that fly to their dove-cots. They are like white butterflies. They are just like white butterflies."
Salomè, Oscar Wilde

"She is like a dove that has strayed... She is like a narcisus trembling in the wind... She is like a silver flower."
Salomè, Oscar Wilde

" By My life, by my crown, by my gods. Whatsoever you desire I will give it you, even to the half of my kingdom, if you will but dance for me. o, Salomè, Salomè, dance for me!"
Salomè, Oscar Wilde

"I demand the head of Jokanaan"
Salomè, Oscar Wilde

"Ah! I have kissed thy mouth, Jokanaan, I have kissed thy mouth. There was a bitter taste on thy lips. Was it the taste of blood?... But perchance it is the taste of love... They say that love hath a bitter taste... But what of that? What of that? I have kissed thy mouth, Jakanaan."
Salomè, Oscar Wilde

"Look at the moon! How strange the moon seems! She is like a woman. You would fancy she was looking for dead things"
Salomè, Oscar Wilde


Photographer: Giorgia Nofrini
Model: Veridiana Meneghini @Bloody Betty
Costume designer: Marina Tardani
Makeup and Hair: Cosimo Bellomo
Assistant: Claudio Giordano

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